
Empowering scientists and leaders to resonate together for their best possible impact.


Science, Engineering, Technology, and Math (STEM) can have a lot of prestige.  After all, they took us to the moon!  But it takes teamwork to bring cutting-edge science to the public where it can do good.  With my wealth of experience in high-level science research, business, government, and mediation, I am uniquely positioned to support technical and executive teams to bring new discoveries forward where they are needed.

This is not your standard diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training, although my offerings will help with those initiatives, too.  I empower technical professionals and executive leadership to resonate together to maximize everyone’s bottom line, whether that’s financial or any other metric you define.  My unique strength is that I don’t just give you techniques—I ask the right questions and provide resources at just the right time to position you and your team for success on your own terms.

How can I help you?



Find my PhD thesis in Biophysical Chemistry and Molecular Structure from MIT here.


Proud graduate of the Bentley MBA class of 2015.

Academic Research

Read my peer-reviewed research paper on the intersectionality of science and business.


Watch my TEDx talk, Work at Your Resonant Frequency.

Additional Certifications

What’s in a name?

With a name like Xu Simon...

… why am I not an Asian man?

Ready to Grow?

Get in Touch




617 304 7386